AdrionPAN, the Adriatic Protected Areas Network, is a bottom-up initiative, started by 2 Italian marine protected areas, Miramare and Torre del Cerrano.
Partners of the AdrionPAN network
Nature Park Lastovsko otočje (Ubli-Hrvatska) MANAGEMENT Javna ustanova Park prirode “Lastovsko…
Riserva Naturale Ripa Bianca di Jesi (Ancona-Ita) MANAGEMENT Riserva Naturale Regionale –…
National Park Brijuni (Pula-Hrvatska) MANAGEMENT Javna ustanova “Nacionalni park Brijuni” (Public Institution…
The latest news from the AdrionPAN Network
Round table “National Parks in the Adriatic Ionian Region as a Driver of Sustainable Development” organised by AII (Adriatic Ionian Initiative)
13 April 2022
AdrIonPAN aims to become a structure for coordinating, guiding and promoting the system of Protected Marine and Coastal Areas in the Adriatic and Ionian seas, following the positive experiences of…
MPA NETWORKS Project: The Marine Research Centre of the University of Camerino – URDIS – implements the Pilot Action “Management of small scale fisheries in Torre del Cerrano”
8 July 2021
The initiative is part of the participation (as a partner) of the Torre del Cerrano MPA in the FERS - InterregMediterranean project "MPA Networks - Support MPA effectiveness through strong…
MPA NETWORKS Project: MPA Torre del Cerrano prepares the draft cooperation agreement for the AdrIonPAN Network in collaboration with the Department of Legal and Social Sciences of the University G. d’Annunzio.
26 June 2021
The implementation of the MPA NETWORKS project foresees specific networking activities among MPAs. One of these is the creation of the Network of Protected Coastal and Marine Areas of the…
AdrionPAN MedPAN
a selection of the best images from Marine Protected Areas
MPA Networks
WEBGIS was funded thanks to INTERREG Mediterranean - MPA Networks Project. European Regional Development Fund.